It is July 1, 2012 and we have 5 more months of this year. My year has flown by so far- how about yours! I am excited about all of the new and creative projects that I have begun this year.
My favorite and closest to my heart is the Germantown Series. These images will reflect the beauty and loveliness of my city. I hope to capture Germantown in a warm light with reflections of memories made here. Families raising their children and enjoying the park systems. Giving a nod to our rich history of horses and our annual horse show. Residents of Germantown, Tn are truly blessed.
Germantown, TN
Located near the Mississippi River along the historic trails of the Chickasaw Indians, Germantown offers its residents a safe, attractive and energetic community. The City of Germantown, its elected officials and its employees stand ready to provide assistance and quality services to you and are fully committed to making this a great place to live. Many opportunities exist for you to interact with local government and to participate in the civic activities and organizations within the city. Whether you are a long-time resident or new to the area, we believe you will share our sense of pride in our city.
To learn more about the City of Germantown click here - City of Germantown
I am excited to be partnering with the Great Hall and Conference Center's manager, Chuck Porter to bring this exhibit to the public once it is complete. My work on the Germantown Series will be displayed at The Great Hall and Conference Center in Germantown off of Germantown Parkway. I will keep you all updated on the progress!
A sample of my work for the Germantown Series-
Till next time,

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