I am so pleased that so many of you were able to find the first tip on natural light photography helpful. If you missed it, please scroll down to the previous post and you will be all caught up!
Today I want to share some tips on where to position your camera when taking pictures of you children.
The very best place to be when you photograph kids is eye level with them. This sounds easy enough but how many times do you stand at your full 5 ft to 6 ft height and aim your camera down at them?
For a change try getting down on your knees or kneeling. It all depends on the height of the child. For those of you who have seen me in action photographing a child, you know I wear old clothes and sometimes end up on my belly, leaning on my elbows holding the camera! Whatever works!!
Why do I need to be on eye level with my child?
We need to be on eye level with our children when photographing because we want to have the best view possible of those gorgeous eyes! The eyes are the focal point. Too high and you get the forehead or top of the head, too low and you end up looking up into their noses..... not a pleasant sight even on their best day!
While we are on the subject of eyes, I want to tell you about a little thing called catchlights. Little but powerful in a portrait!
What is a catchlight?
A catchlight is a tiny reflection in the child's eye of a light source. Catchlights add vitality and sparkle to a portrait and keep the eyes from looking dark and flat. (See above example.)
How do I get one?
If you are photographing inside use a window as your light source and position your child so that you can see the catchlight in his/her eyes. (See top example A.) When outside, use the sun to create the catch light. (See top example B.) Just be careful and do not have your child look into the sun. The sun catchlight should be coming from sun at the side, not directly above. You have to look and work for it! This will set your photography apart. I promise!
Have a great week of photographing your sweet, sweet babies!
Please leave me your feedback, I would love to see what you are working on. Email me a small sample
at michelleeastfineart@live.com. Check out more of my work at http://www.MichelleEastStudio.com & you can also go to my Gallery section here on the blog - see top of the side bar.
Till next time,

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