I have been making my goals for the year, as so many of us do, and I discovered a new calendar titled The Sacred Journey.
I found it at http://www.pomegranate.com and have started journaling my goals, affirmations, my heart calling, my path of service and much more..... The sacred journey cards are a way to use symbolism to spark journaling ideas if you so desire.
This year I've set many goals for myself and a few of them are -
1. To make painting a consistent part of my life.
2. Develop a yoga practice.
3. Live a more minimalist life.
In reflection on 2010 it was a year full of surprises! At the start of last year I had planned to apply myself to study of digital art and painting. As the year unfolded I was given the opportunity to learn at WPPI, Las Vegas, NV in February.http://www.wppionline.com Spring brought me to New York City where I did an artist's exchange with my lovely friend and fellow artist Bernette Rudolph. http://www.BernetteRudolph.com Then Summer came and I travelled to Montreal, Canada to spend a week studying with Joseph and Louise Simone. http://www.simoneportrait.com. As if that was not amazing enough, I added anther workshop in October with Painter Master Camille Pryzwodek. http://www.Przewodek.com in Madison, Mississippi- Natchez Trace!
Wow what a travel schedule! However, the finale for the year was even more fabulous with a final trip to Paradise Island, Bahamas! http://www.bahamas.com What a beautiful and relaxing place the Bahamas are! I would recommend a trip there to anyone looking for a place to get away from it all. We stayed in a condo at Harborside Resorts at Atlantis. http://www.atlantis.com. Atlantis was an adventure all of it's own with waterparks, sharks, aquarium and I even swam with dolphins while I was there!
We stayed in the colorful buildings in this picture. Atlantis is rising up in the distance!
Another view of Atlantis.
Our travel extended to Nassau and the Eleuthera Islands as well. While on Eleuthera/Harbour Island, we enjoyed the pink sand and driving golf carts! There are very few cars on the island. It is so secluded that the only way to get there is by ferry or plane. A serene place with no worries mon!
The year ended quietly with the kids and a visit from my parents who came up from Florida. All the christmas festivities were perfect. I couldn't ask to be more blessed that I am right now.
Living in the moment,

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