I am in the process of uploading portraits to a new website!
This will be a site for me to show my Travel Images, Pet Portraits and Paintings!
The Travel Images are for sale! Color or BW. Sized starting at 11x14 on Masonite.
They can be ordered by emailing or calling our studio.
This site will be updated often. Especially after a trip! Planning trips to the plantations in St. Francisville, LA in June, Gulf Shores in July and maybe(-keeping my fingers crossed) Italy in the fall!
Also, if you have a pet whom you would like to have some keepsake images of, please call me!
I am looking for some well behaved dogs or cats who could "model" for me! This would be a free session! The images will be used to build my pet portfolio! Call me asap if you are interested!!
Till next time,