November 8, 2011

Michelle East Studio Fine Art at Fountain Art Gallery in Memphis, TN

The exhibit "TOTEMS" will run till Nov. 11th.
 Stop by Fountain Art Gallery - Mon. - Sat. 10-4 and see 19 artists interpretation of this ancient art form!

Here I am in front of my Totem!

Till next time,

November 7, 2011

Michelle East, Memphis Artist & Portrait Photographer, Memphis, TN

We have the most beautiful children in Memphis, TN!  Just look at these cuties. I love these sweet little faces, don't you!

I have just a couple of slots left for fall portraits.  Please call me asap if you would like to have a portrait done in 2011. During the month of December, I will only be taking newborn sessions. 
 I am taking the month off to spend time with my sweeties!

 Till next time,